RGames Silkroad Online | March 1st, 2025, at 18:00 GMT+2


Please make sure you read the server rules and understand them before you join us: 

RGames Online allows botting.

Scamming/Hacking/Cheating/Bug Abuse/Auto AFK gameplay & auto select not allowed, malicious players are not welcome here and will be BANNED.

Buying/selling silk/items/gold outside of the server or the official website/discord is prohibited and will result in a permanent BAN.

Selling/buying accounts is not allowed and will result in a account BAN also sharing accounts might lead into account loss, shared accounts wont be supported in case of any data lose, it is your responsibility to keep your account safe so never share your username and password with anyone.

Advertising, referring to any other servers or mentioning their name in game or discord is prohibited and will result in a BAN.

Spreading false rumors about the server or its staff is prohibited and will result in a BAN.  

Sharing personal information about individuals is prohibited, don't involve personal life with a game.  

Spamming the discord channels by meaningless messages or spreading negativity or provocations will result in a timeout or KICK out of discord.  

Treat everyone with respect absolutely NO harassment, personal insults, hate speech, racism/nationalism, religious or political argues will not be tolerated, insulting other players beliefs is strictly forbidden and will result in a chat BAN or else.